It appears that the Spurs offered him a deal, and he turned it down for, yes, once again, MORE MONEY! His agent said, "We looked around the NBA. Everybody was moving very slowly. And there were great opportunities for him to play overseas for a lot of money." Sounds like a broken record at this point.

Europe can have Gira. And his fashion loving BFF Collins. In fact, the Jazz ought to be paying a team from the Old World to take Collins off our hands. In Euros if necessary.
That ESPN article has David Thorpe calling Giricek an "underrated defender." I don't know his current rating, but I do know that whenever he came in against Golden State in 2007 he got lit up by Matt Barnes.
Wow -- he also adds that Gira is "very aggressive" and "moves well" on the court. Clearly Thorpe has Gira confused with someone else, possibly Ron Artest.
The thing you're writing is a big blunder.
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