Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tune Into TCG

TCG's dominance of Monday drivetime continued on Monday as Pasty Gangster defended Larry H.'s honor and discussed pornography. I am not joking. You can hear the fireworks fly here. (Unfortunately, Pasty's first discussion point is cut off in the recording - it was probably more salty porn talk).

Also, this week you can get two shows for the price of 1! Last week the Booner threw down. You can hear the delayed release here. Amazingly, Booner was NOT the first TCG author to discuss porn on Utah radio.


Tucker McCann said...

I am glad that the "luxury tax" is addressed EVERY WEEK . . .

Pasty Gangsta said...

No kidding.

On the other hand, as Crotty points out, we did riff on porn, which lightened the mood a bit. Given Booner's sense of humor, I would not be surprised to hear that topic broached again on Locke's show.

Torrey Ellis said...

I was just searching 'salty porn talk' on the internet and it sent me here. Boy was I pleasantly surprised. Keep up the good work.

Orlando said...

torrey - actually most of our readership came to us looking for some sort of salacious material. You are among friends.