A couple of Jazz players also got some love from the voters, whoever they are. Paul Millsap came in fourth overall (behind Granger, Devin Harris, and Kevin Durant), receiving three first-place votes. Ronnie Brewer nabbed two third-place votes to finish in 24th place. Don't feel bad, guys, you can't win them all.

As an historical aside, did you know that no Jazz player has ever won the most improved player award? The closest we've come to this most esteemed honor is one player that was traded to the Jazz after he won the award, and another that won the award after the Jazz got rid of him. Can you name them without looking it up?
Here are the answers for those with weak memories.
When I'm commissioner of the league there is going to be a Least Improved Player of the year, perhaps named after the Collins twins for (at least in my mind) co-winning it seven consecutive seasons. Although Miles finished a close second this year.
I believe that the least improved player award is known as the "Baron Davis memorial trophy."
I absolutely match with everything you've presented us.
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