Two points, five rebounds and one bucket on a questionable goaltending call. What the hell did Boozer think this was. . . an '08 playoff game?
Random link of the day: check out Shane Battier pseudo-fornicating with Andres Nocioni. I don't understand why they didn't run that picture on the front of the NY Times magazine last week. . .
In limited minutes, and given the explosion of Kyle Korver offensively, and Booze's 2 steals and 2 assists... I'll live with it.
After all, he's probably rusty... he hasn't played since the Dark Ages.
One of the best things about having Boozer back is being able to bring Millsap off the bench. Millsap, AK, Korver and Harpring dominated the Hawks and when we can bring all four of those guys off the bench we are the deepest team in the league.
00Tag nailed it. The best part of Boozer starting is Millsap taking on the second unit.
Last week we sent a second unit whose main scoring threat was Matt Harpring against the Celtics. Nice to have a legitimate player coming off the bench now.
Two really -- AK and Millsap together is a deadly bench combination. Not many teams have even one player of that caliber in reserve.
Give the guy a break - I promise you he will be at 20/10 in less than 2 games
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