Keith McLeod: The former Jazzman is coming back from his days in Italy to back up Jason Kidd in Dallas. The crazy thing about McLeod is that he wasn't really a backup for the Jazz. He started. A lot. He was quite average in just about every way. Amazingly, he started over Deron for about half of Williams' rookie year, even though Keith shot around 35% from the floor as a jazzman. Kind of like this guy.
Dee Brown: Unlike McLeod, Brown was actually a guy that I would have liked to see in Utah for a while. He was undersized, but scrappy like a wolf, or a really energetic beaver. My hometown Wizards signed him to a deal that the Jazz can match, since they still own his rights - but have said they won't. I never understood why we let him walk just so we could sign Jason Hart to a two-year deal. Oh yeah, because Dee liked to party.
What McLeod did was provide reasonably okay play for the PG spot (the year before Deron was drafted). Why he started over Deron... probably because J-Slow hates the rookies. But McLeod wasn't bad.
And McLeod >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hart.
I agree. I'd take McLeod over Hart. But he sucked. He's a classic Jazz backup point guard - consistent, controlled, unspectacular, and not highly skilled. He would be a great Number 3 guy at the point, but he's a horrible starter.
Horrible starter? Yes.
But given what the Jazz had in 2004 (didn't they trade Arroyo that year?), he was the best option. Not his fault for that...
Maybe they'll trade us McLeod for Hart.
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